Friday, April 20, 2007

Senate property tax rollback plan a joke!!!!

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) – April 16, 2007 – A tax-protest leader told a Senate committee Friday the chamber’s bipartisan property tax reform package is too weak, while business interests and local government officials offered mixed reactions.
Republican and Democratic Senate leaders released their plan Thursday. It includes a rollback of city and county taxes to 2005-06 levels, then a two-year freeze and cap on future increases.
The plan is expected to save taxpayers $11 billion over the next five years. A competing proposal offered by House Republicans would slash taxes by more than $25 billion over the same span. Most Democrats and local government officials oppose the House GOP plan.
“The Senate plan leaves a lot to be desired, I’m sorry to say,” said Dr. David McKalip, a St. Petersburg neurosurgeon and spokesman for the Florida Taxpayers Alliance. “The rollbacks are not enough.”
McKalip told the Finance and Tax Committee the alliance is pushing for rollbacks to 2001 as included in the House GOP plan.

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